Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What is HD DVD?

HD DVD stands for High Definition Digital Versatile Disc. It is a round and thin disc that looks almost exactly like a CD or DVD. It is actually very similar to CDs and DVDs in all aspects except one. The difference is that a HD DVD can hold much more information than the CD/DVDs of the past. The way they packed more information into the same space mainly comes from the color of the laser that is used to read the disc. HD DVDs are read by a blue-violet laser beam instead of the traditional red beam. The blue-violet color has a shorter wavelength that makes it capable of focusing on a smaller more precise area. That way you can just stuff all of the information closer together on the same size disc.

How much more information? An HD DVD holds about 3 times more information than a DVD. With this extra space you can fit HD quality movies and sound. Specifically a 720p/1080i resolution picture vs. a 480i movie on a DVD. A disc can hold any other type of information besides movies, but video is the most popular use for a DVD world wide. This is why many companies are competing to release home theater HD DVD players. Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros. and Universal Studios have already released lists of titles that will be available on HD DVD. Toshiba has already announced two players that it will manufacture. HD DVD is in direct competition with Blu-Ray, which implements a similar technology that is not compatible. Blu-Ray was developed by Sony and is backed by the Blu-Ray Association including Apple, Hitachi, Dell, HP, LG, JVC, Panasonic, Mitsubishi, Pioneer, Phillips, Samsung, Sharp, TDK, Thomson and Sony. Both technologies have similar launch dates and offer similar features.


HD DVD players will utilize a new kind of cable called HDMI for transmitting digital picture and sound. This cable has multiple wires for both video and audio that ensures the clearest quality. The use of one wire for both video and audio creates less clutter than previous technology. The players will also feature s-video and component connections to offer a wide range of usage capabilities.

What is HD DVD?

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Why Wholesale DVD Dropshippers Work

The advantages of dropshipping are realized to a great degree in those businesses where demand can fluctuate wildly. There are numerous examples, but hardly any as extreme as is the entertainment industry. Wholesale DVD dropshippers allow retailers to avoid some of the perils associated with this instability by the nature of their business model. This type of protection against such market fluctuations was not really available until the Internet became a preferred way of selling entertainment products, including books, music and DVDs. Understanding the stability that dropshippers provides begins with understanding the nature of the peril.

A movie may be extremely popular following its release, and drop off of the retail charts quickly thereafter. Movies are also sometimes part of larger trends. Such trends can diminish in popularity very quickly, even if they've only recently established themselves among the general public. One of the hardest things about retailing entertainment products is gauging this level of interest before it actually manifests and making sure that you have the right amount of stock on hand to accommodate it. Wholesale DVD dropshippers allow you to avoid having to make those impossible projections and to limit your exposure to risk.


This is an area where online retailers have a distinct advantage over brick and mortar stores. Online retailers have the ability to work entirely without inventory. Working with a wholesale DVD dropshipper is exactly the same whether you're selling a blockbuster or an indie film that only three European film students have ever heard about. What protects you from being exposed to too much risk is the fact that you don't have to buy the movie beforehand so, if it doesn't sell, you just never deal with it. It also allows you to avoid a very dangerous situation.

Imagine that you did buy your stock in advance instead of going through wholesale DVD dropshippers. This means that, when the latest hit film comes out on DVD, you have to buy plenty of them to go around. Imagine further that, for one reason or another, your web traffic came up short for the month in which you bought 1,000 copies of the latest blockbuster and that you were, therefore, unable to sell them. Even at wholesale prices, 1,000 DVDs would cost a lot of money and you'd have no way to make it back. This is what dropshipping helps avoid.

Why Wholesale DVD Dropshippers Work

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American Made DVD Players

American made DVD Players means that not only are they manufactured in this country but all the components are manufactured in this country. In order for our economy to improve we need to start thinking again about buying "American Made Products". Why not? An American processed player is built to be sturdy and last you a long time. The parts are easy to find if you need repairs and you can not only help your budget by buying a great product at a reasonable price but you are helping the economy. People determine that being American made helps the consumer to find out how reliable the products really are and how much better it is to have in your home.

The American made DVD player offers many features that most people enjoy having that some of the one's made out of country do not offer. Many of these DVD Players can be operated by battery pack as well as by electricity. The average battery pack player lasts twice as long as most that are made in another country. The problem of getting a new battery for your player is not nearly as complicated when you own an American DVD player. The popular DVD's are made to fit your player and you will find the sound quality to be excellent. The color is very good showing brilliance in blue's making the ocean look really blue just as an example. You need not worry when it comes to operation of your DVD player it is very simple and most are set already so that you only need to plug and play. The expert knows that using a good DVD player for business is vital and that having one they can rely on is even more vital. You can always depend on an American made DVD Player.


American Made DVD Players

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Saturday, November 26, 2011

How to Burn a Downloaded Movie to DVD

It is actually easy to burn a downloaded movie to DVD nowadays. How would one be left out of the burning bandwagon with the vast array of DVD burning software in the market. Most people would just have to download a movie, open a DVD burning software, pop in a blank DVD into their burner, burn the movie, and when it is all done, watch the DVD on their entertainment set.

However, there are many people who encounter some problems while burning their movies into a DVD. Some people end up with non-working DVDs, while others cannot even go through the entire process of burning. Here are some useful tips to be successful in burning a downloaded movie to DVD:


1. It pays not to be stingy with DVDs - the equipment you use should be of high quality to make sure that your DVD burning is seamless. Your burner should be of a reputable brand, as well as your blank discs. Using cheap discs often result into disaster because there may be a lot of defects on the discs that could greatly hinder the burning process from succeeding.

2. Be sure not to touch the writable side of the disc, and keep your discs away from dirt and contaminants. This is a very basic thing that most people dismiss. You should only handle your discs using the outer edges or the middle hole. Contaminants may cause distortion during the burning process.

3. Whenever possible, use the disc-at-once mode when you are burning DVDs. When using the opposite track-at-once mode, there may be some overlapping of sectors between the tracks on the disk, which could hinder the disc from running well on some machines. Use the track-at-once mode only when you need to prevent buffer underruns. If you are not sure what to use, you generally would just need the safer disc-at-once mode.

4. It is better to burn using slower speeds if you want the best quality in your final DVDs. If you are not pressed for time, use slower burning speeds. Slowly burnt discs can be played in more machines than quickly burnt onces.

5. Finalize your burning sessions. While you might still have some space left on your disc even after your downloaded movie is burned, it is always better not to make a multi-session disc for movies to ensure that they will work properly on players. If you think you are wasting valuable DVD space, you may opt to add short video clips to fill in. Otherwise just leave the DVD with some space left to be certain that your DVD would work.

It is not really that difficult to burn downloaded movies to DVD. With just a few tricks at hand, you can be watching your downloaded movies on your entertainment set in no time.

How to Burn a Downloaded Movie to DVD


Thursday, November 24, 2011

DVD Players- When Multi-Disc Players Make Good Sense

Now that DVD players have been popular for quite a number of years, prices are quite reasonable. Single disc players well under 0 abound providing options for almost every budget. For many people a single disc player meets their needs nicely as they can view only one DVD movie at a time anyway. For some consumers however, other features are well worth a few extra dollars.

One of the first options buyers have to consider is whether or not a multi-disc or mega storage type of DVD player would be a good choice for them. While some multi-disc players allow users to keep up to 4 or 5 discs in the player at any given time, others can store up to 400 discs.


Multi-disc DVD players offer four primary advantages for consumers:

o Ease of Use: Multi-disc DVD players allow users to keep multiple discs in the player which can eliminate time spent shuffling through discs and loading them. Most have good search functions that allow users to easily find the disc they want and to initiate play with the push of a button from their remote control. In the case of a large collection of discs this is a particularly attractive option.

o Saving Space: If a user has a large collection of discs, a mega storage DVD player can potentially store their collection eliminating the need for additional shelving on which to house their collection. All discs are maintained in the player and available for immediate access.

o Dual Use: Most DVD players offer the ability to not only play DVD movies but audio CDs as well. Users can switch between movie viewing and listening to audio with the push of a button. With a multi-disc DVD player, many owners opt to forgo the purchase of a separate CD player completely.

o Something for the Whole Family: Face it, not everyone living in the house has the same taste in music or movies. Being able to store and play multiple discs, can be the only fair way to give quick and easy access to the collections of multiple individuals.

Certainly, there are many choices to make and features to consider when selecting a DVD player. Deciding on the disc capacity requires only a simple look at the size of the person's DVD/CD collection and determining whether or not quick and easy access to those discs is critical.

DVD Players- When Multi-Disc Players Make Good Sense

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Vocal Lessons on DVD - Will They Get You to Be a Better Singer?

Vocal lessons on DVD bring instruction to you in the convenience of your own home. Are you an aspiring singer? If you are and are hoping to be discovered, it is extremely important to properly train your voice so that you can allow your personal instrument to shine and reach its ultimate potential.

Not everyone has time or the money to seek out a professional instructor. Some people live in communities where finding a professional instructor to take lessons from is not an option. Some towns are too small and don't have a qualified professional available.


None of these factors will remain a concern once you buy a vocal lessons DVD. Learning via DVD instruction offers the same benefits of private lessons and then some. With a DVD you can learn whenever and wherever you see fit. Now you can easily find time to work vocal instruction into your schedule. You will have the ultimate flexibility that being able to simply pop in a DVD allows.

With a DVD there is a one time only expense. No worry of how to pay for ongoing lessons. This makes learning affordable for everyone. Students who have missed out on the opportunity to get personal vocal coaching now have an option that will allow them to take their singing to the next level without breaking the bank.

And you have the ability to enjoy the lessons over and over again to help you master each skill that is being taught, unlike lessons in person where the vocal instructor is only available to you at the lesson itself.

You have to rely upon memory to practice in between lessons as the instructor is not available to you first hand until you meet again. With a vocal lessons DVD you can learn anytime you please and always have your instructor available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Vocal Lessons on DVD - Will They Get You to Be a Better Singer?

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Monday, November 21, 2011

PowerDVD 9 Offers the Best Way to Watch DVD in HD

Many Videophiles want the best DVD playback experience as possible on their PC's. This is done by upconverting a standard DVD format into a HD format such as 1080p. High definition DVD is the next logical step of the current DVD format 720p. Because of new codecs and software it is possible to upconvert standard DVD 720 into 1080p.

In other words, high definition DVD's aim is to provide 1080 lines of video resolution, compared to the 576/480 lines presently offered by the actual DVDs.


Now why would you want to watch a DVD in HD form? For the same purposes why you prefer DVDs over the old video tapes. For starters the picture is sharper, crisper, for a more realistic experience. For me anything that can enhance picture and audio quality is a major plus. PowerDVD 9 is by far the best way for this experience on a PC.

Keep in mind that HD discs (Blu-Ray) will be the format of choice a few years from now. But what will be the destiny of the present DVDs? It does not mean that you need to replace your entire DVD collection. Certain standalone DVD players and PowerDVD 9 for the PC offer the best upconverting picture quality possible for standard DVD's. This feature will later be used for all high definition DVD players. Although this upscaling operation will not provide the same 'unforgettable experience' as high definition movies, it will allow the existing DVDs to be shown in their best possible way, without losing any resolution.

In conclusion, high definition DVDs represent the future of home video display. Be sure to use PowerDVD 9.

PowerDVD 9 Offers the Best Way to Watch DVD in HD

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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Forget Ordinary DVD to IPod Converters If You Want to Do More Than Loading DVD to IPod

So you've just bought yourself a brand new shiny iPod and you're downloading MP3s onto your iPod like there's no tomorrow. You might be wondering however, how loading DVD to iPod is even possible since iTunes doesn't have the function to do so. So how is it done? You've seen people on the train happily watching TV shows and even movies on their iPod and no doubt you want to do the same.

With most new iPods having a video function it's a shame not to make full use of it. Loading DVD to iPod is still a relatively new innovation, so it's no wonder some people are a little stumped as to how to actually do it.


Quite simply DVD to iPod converters are your answer. The competition is pretty fierce considering that many companies want to dominate this market. Unfortunately we as the consumer are caught in the middle of this fight.

With so many DVD to iPod converters on the market, how do we make the right choice? One word of advice, avoid judging a book by its cover. Some companies pour money into the 'look' of a product rather than its functionality. While most of us agree that aesthetics should be given some attention, functionality should be given the utmost importance.

So before you rush out buying the most expensive fancy looking converter, see what it does. Consider speed, storage and the quality of copy. Don't forget that some DVD to iPod converters are far more capable than others. Versatility such as being able to convert various video formats are qualities that shouldn't be missed. Since variety is what entertainment is all about.

Loading DVDs to iPods can get tiresome if you've only got a handful of DVDs. And I'm sure you'll agree that watching the same shows or movies over and over again can get monotonous.

DVD to iPod converters are adapting to the market. Nobody just wants to convert just DVDs anymore. With video becoming such a big part of the internet (just take a look at Youtube) people want the variety that the internet offers. Who hasn't spent hours in front of the TV clicking away from channel to channel looking for something interesting to watch?

Simply loading DVD to iPod is bland and boring, get a converter that can do more so you can convert all your favorite music videos, sitcoms and video clips regardless of what video format they're in.

Forget Ordinary DVD to IPod Converters If You Want to Do More Than Loading DVD to IPod

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

Movies in 3D on DVD Coming to a Blu-Ray 3D DVD Player in Your Home

With the advent of the latest 3D technology leading to a customer demand for movies in 3D on DVD the Blu-ray industry, led from the front by the Blu-ray Disc Association, have been working flat out to finalize a standard for delivering stereoscopic (3D) video in high definition on a Blu-ray disc to be played on a Blu-ray 3D DVD player. This is now in place and in the hands of Blu-ray player manufacturers and DVD disc producers so everything is set for the next stage of the 3D revolution to start.

January 2010 will see DVD releases that are able to deliver a full 1080p high definition, at home, 3D experience. The technology is able to run two 1080p frames to the screen which are then transformed into a 3D image with the use of the latest LCD shutter glasses, passive filter glasses or active filter switching glasses. Another positive with the standard is the ability of a 3D disc to be played on a non-compatible player which will result in a normal 2D play back.


To take full advantage of the imminent influx of 3D enabled TV, consumers will need to invest in the compatible hardware such as 3D enabled TV systems, the new generation of Blu-ray players and a few pairs of the latest LCD shutter 3D glasses. All the components are in place with major consumer electronics manufacturers like Panasonic, LG, Philips and Sony ready to launch their latest TV ranges utilizing the HDMI 1.4 standard. Samsung have already pushed their 240HZ LCD 3D TV systems into mass production in what seems like an attempt to get a jump on the competition.

The Samsung Blu-ray 3D DVD player BD-C6900 became the first of the new breed of Blu-ray DVD player to make it onto the shelves and can in fact be purchased right now on Amazon, or perhaps the few that surfaced have already gone, in what I see as a price testing exercise on Samsung's part. By the way the launch price was 9. Amazon have also been selling movies in 3D on DVD format for a couple of weeks or so now along with the latest 3D glasses which all points to the start of the new 3D TV revolution.

Movies in 3D on DVD Coming to a Blu-Ray 3D DVD Player in Your Home

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Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Flirty Girl Fitness DVD Reviews

Flirty Girl Fitness is a really hot new trend in women's fitness and I'm here to admit that I almost didn't notice it. Considering the nature of this workout it seems almost impossible that it nearly slipped by but I'm here to tell you that I think this concept is a winner. Well, for some people.

First let me say that I discovered Flirty Girl through an As Seen On TV commercial which at first I believed was some kind of spoof. The premise of Flirty Girl Fitness is creating thorough full body workouts and delivering them in a sexy package. There are Chair Dancing, Pole Dancing and Booty Dancing routines which will whip you into shape. But for most of us, this is a very non traditional approach to fitness. So my first thought after seeing the video was, "will real women feel comfortable doing this?" The simple answer is who knows?


If you base your answer of the success of Flirty Girl Fitness Chicago, then the answer is an astounding yes! Flirty Girl Fitness Chicago is a women only health club catering to members looking for a shift from the traditional Club. It hardly looks like a gym and really appears to be more of a women's social club more than anything else. But that is in appearance only. If you are able to look past the full liquor bar, you will find women of all shapes and sizes workout in a very comfortable environment which addresses all their fitness issues. Keep in mind that although the exercise routines are sexy, they are based on core strength training and flexibility. When you watch a DVD, and hopefully participate, there will be no mistake that you are there for a serious workout. However, the home program is designed to shake things up to ensure viewers won't get bored with their routines and this done by disguising hardcore exercise with some "soft core" choreography.

But seriously, if you're a woman who needs to loose 50lbs, 5lbs or just tone up, there is something for you within the DVD program. The instruction is thorough and you'll find yourself learning some really great dance moves. Here's how it works.

You order the program for .99 plus about shipping and handling and receive 2 DVDs, the booty dance and chair dance, plus a bonus booklet and additional free Video Vixen DVD. Then every other month you participate in the Preview Program where you get to try out other DVDs and get free bonus gifts. This ensures you get fresh routines and never get bored. There's a full money back guarantee so you can withdraw from the preview program at any time.

The DVDs are really quite good and you can find previews if you search for them online. Personally, I feel you can get most of the fitness benefit in the first DVDs and if you are not easily bored, you might just like to learn the routines and keep doing them. There is plenty of work and dance included in every section so collecting a ton of workout routines might be overkill for some people.

Flirty Girl Fitness DVD Reviews

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Monday, November 14, 2011

The Best Blank DVD-R And Blank Media Recording Products Are Available Online

Developed by Pioneer in the late 1990s, blank DVD-R is a recordable version of its optical disc counterpart. In its earlier version, there were two competing formats, the DVD-R and the DVD+R. various companies had their own format preferences. Even today there are two different formats available in the market, but most of the DVD recorders are better known as hybrid drives. A blank DVD-R can accept record and play both formats. However, most of the DVD recorders used at homes for domestic entertainment still support DVD-R or DVD+R.

These home recorders or consumer recorders are not part of a computer, because of which they are frequently referred to as standalone recorders. The consumer recorders are slowly replacing the VHS VCR of olden days, as they basically satisfy the same requirements in a home entertainment system. They can be attached to a computer and can be used to record on either of the formats. For those who are using the DVD recording system for the first time, it is necessary to know the type of format the system will accept. Technically, it can accept DVD+R, DVD-R or both.


Using the proper format is necessary to get the right output. The speed of the recorder is also an important feature. If your recorder operates on a 16x drive, then you can do the recording between the ranges of 1x to 16x. With a 16x media, you can have access to faster recording speed. The speed media must be compatible with the format your recorder is able to adapt. You can use the blank DVD-R or a blank CD-R media for archiving, duplicating or master recording. They can also be used for burning a DVD. However, it is important to choose a quality brand.

They can perform infinitesimally better than ordinary and cheap makes available. In addition, branded DVD media are more durable and will be compatible with any type of DVD players. Blank CDs can also be used for recording application. Depending on whether you are printing with a thermal transfer printer or an inkjet printer or whether you want to do simple labeling or may be use a DVD pen, the top surfaces of the blank DVD-R varies with the printing requirement. They can also be used for a variety of applications. While an Authoring studio may use it for critical Master/ Archive work, others may use it to make DVD copies from their video cameras.

Yet others may use it for their standalone DVD recorders. They are available in a wide range, each designed to satisfy a particular application. You can get quality blank media and other DVD products from online sources. High quality recording devices such as CD-R, DVD-R, DVD+R, packaging supplies, accessories and CD DVD duplication machines are available at affordable rates.

Online suppliers also offer excellent customer service whenever they are called for. It is now possible to customize your CDs and DVDs using printable media. With the extensive availability of a range of printable inkjet, thermal and silk-screening media, you can get your prints in vibrant colors and high resolution quality printing.

The Best Blank DVD-R And Blank Media Recording Products Are Available Online

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

DVD Storage Cabinets

DVD storage cabinets are the best solution for storing DVDs, which are invaluable data storage devices. DVD is an incredible discovery in the data storage technology. DVDs are becoming increasingly popular, as these devices possess greater storage capacity and high performance rates.

Cluttered piles of DVDs upset the decor of any room. Attractive DVD storage cabinets that suit one's storage requirement can easily make a room more organized and free up space. With these, one can easily sort and accommodate an entire DVD library. DVD storage cabinets protect the DVDs from moisture and dust, minimizing any damage that may be caused by scratching and mishandling of the DVDs.


DVD storage cabinets come with multiple features that match customer storage requirements and enhance the utility value of the cabinets. Most of the models have easily adjustable and detachable shelves, which guarantee maximum storage capacity. Some come with roll-out drawers that provide easy accessibility. Some have single or double doors while others have Plexiglas doors that are resistant to weather changes. Further, a push button facility is added in some more expensive models, which controls automatic sliding drawers.

DVD storage cabinets come in many sizes, colors, and finishes. Based on the size, DVD storage cabinets are classified as portable, medium, and large. Foldable and movable type DVD storage cabinets, and floor and wall-mounted type cabinets are the common types seen on the market. Beautifully handcrafted and hand painted DVD storage cabinets are also available, which add style and charm to the room.

Today, a wide variety of retail showrooms are ready to deliver high quality DVD storage cabinets. Further, the required model can be ordered via the Internet.

DVD Storage Cabinets

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Combo DVD VCR Recorders

DVD recorders are devices that record data onto a DVD. DVDs are becoming a very good option for storing data because of their high storage capacities, reliability, cost and flexibility. DVD recorders have already replaced VCRs and CD recorders in most homes.

DVD recorders are ideal for storing all kinds of data including movies, TV shows and home videos. The recording quality is also much better than that from CDs or tapes. DVDs are mostly compatible with most recording formats including DVD-audio, CD-audio, DVD-R (write-once), DVD- RW (re-writable format of DVD-R), DVD+R (write once), DVD+RW (re-writable format of DVD+R) and DVD-RAM (re-writable with random access capability). With attractive options such as surround sound, progressive scan, recording options in DVD as well as VHS modes, twin recording formats (allows recording of two different programs on different channels simultaneously), and live TV pausing, DVD players are becoming a favorite with most people.


There are also DVD-VCR combos, which are ideal for playing both DVDs as well as VHS tapes. They also enable copying of home recordings from camcorder tapes or television recordings. Some of the top DVD-VCR combos are: the JVC DR-MX1S DVD/VCR/Hard Drive Recorder Combo, the LG LRY-517 Super-Multi DVD Recorder/VCR Combo, the Panasonic DMR-ES40VS DVD Recorder - VCR Combination, the Pioneer DVR-RT500 DVD Recorder/VHS VCR Combination, the Panasonic PV-DR2714 DVD Recorder/VCR/TV Combo, the Panasonic DMR-ES30VS DVD Recorder VCR Combination and the Sony RDR-VX500 DVD Recorder/VCR Combo. Samsung and Toshiba are some of the other manufacturers of this product.

Most of these DVD-VCR combos also have other advanced features, such as an 80GB or 160 GB hard drive, analog and Firewire AV inputs, video processing for enhancing image quality, flexibility in recording and playing, ability to record in all formats (DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD+R/DVD+RW/DVD+R DL and DVD-RAM), built-in tuners compatible with antenna, cable or satellite boxes, S-video, DV (iLink, Firewire) video inputs, VHS recording and playback, and most importantly, progressive scan output for playback. Prices of these DVD recorder-VCR combos start from 0, but those with very good quality and more options have a minimum price tag of 0.

Combo DVD VCR Recorders


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Do You Really Need A Portable DVD Player?

Have you ever been on a long boring bus or train raid just looking out through the window with out anything to do? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to watch your favourite's movies on your way to your destination instead? A portable DVD player allows you do just that. A portable DVD player is a small DVD player with a small screen attached to it allowing you to watch movies where ever you. Now you might be thinking so what, Portable DVD players are nothing new. That's true but it's only in recent time that they have become inexpensive. Today almost everyone can afford a portable DVD player.

A portable DVD player plays regular DVD discs or "Digital Video Discs". A DVD disc is 4.72 inches (120 mm) in diameter and can store 4.7 GB of data. They work in the same way as CD discs but utilize a shorter wavelength laser and can therefore store a lot more information on a disc than your standard CD.


Most Portable DVD players can read regular CDs as well but is still not suitable to replace your portable CD player. This is due to the fact that even if DVD players can read CDs they are specialised to handle video media and will as such not handle music as well as a unit specialised for musics. This does not need to be a problem and you might very well feel that the sound quality in a portable DVD player is good enough to use it as a CD player. You will however feel differently if you are a "Sound snob". CD players can't play DVD discs since reading a DVD requires more advanced and sophisticated technique than the technique in a CD player.

One my wonder why portable DVD players hasn't been available at low prices for a long time when the technique used is similar to the technique used in CD players and portable CD players have been around forever. The answer is simple. A portable DVD player requires a large amount of miniaturization of technology to make it possible to fit so much into a small container. A portable DVD player does after all not only contain a DVD player but also a flat screen, all of which should fit into something that you can easily hold in one hand.

I mentioned earlier that portable DVD players today have become cheap enough to allow the average Joe to get one but does one actually need one. The simple answer is no. You could just bring a book or a deck of cards along with you on your trips which both would give you something to do on your trip and are considerable cheaper than a portable DVD player. A portable DVD player could however give you a lot of fun and a cheaper model could very well be worth considering since they can bring you some fun even though you don't actually need one. And sometimes one just feels like spoiling oneself with something one don't actually need. I know I do.

Do You Really Need A Portable DVD Player?

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Monday, November 7, 2011

Convert MPEG to DVD Format With ConvertXtoDVD Software

Do you want to convert your MPEG videos stored in your computer to DVD format? If you are, then you will need a special software program to do so. One software program that you will definitely want to take a closer look at is the ConvertXtoDVD software. Basically, this is a video conversion software program that will enable you to convert many different kinds of video files, including MPEG, to DVD format.

With it, you will be able to backup and transfer your video files to DVD discs and in DVD format, which will enable you to watch them in your home DVD player. This particular software will be able to support most video and audio formats for DVD format conversion. It will support MPG videos, DivX, Xvid, and even AVI, as well as MOV and WMV.


In just one click of the mouse, you will be able to convert and readily burn your favorite videos stored in your computer to disc. This software will also automatically make menus, chapters and can even support subtitles. You can also convert videos from NTSC and PAL formats to the required format.

So, if you want a great video to DVD conversion software, you might want to get the ConvertXtoDVD software program. With this program, you will now be able to convert your favorite videos stored in your computer to disc and automatically burn them to DVD-R or RW. With this software, converting videos is easier and a lot simpler than any other available conversion software out there.

Convert MPEG to DVD Format With ConvertXtoDVD Software

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

DVD and CD Disc Repair

DVDs and CDs are very popular nowadays, but the problem is that they can be easily scratched and are quite sensitive to some harmful elements.

Fortunately DVDs can be repaired and there is no need to throw away scratched DVDs. They can be fixed enough to read their data.


First CDs or DVDs should be cleaned, because the discs damage is often caused not by scratches but also by the surface dirt or oil accumulated on the disc. There are three steps to clean your discs:

1. Pick up an optical disc cleaning cloth or any other non-lint producing cloth and dip it in warm water.

2. Rub the cloth on the disc in straight lines from the center to the edge of the disc. Avoid wiping in circular motion to keep the dirt off instead of spreading it around.

3. Dry it and test to see if it works again.

Often cleaning discs works and there is no need to do anything else.

If the cleaning doesn't work you must repair your disc.

Usually DVDs fail to read because of the scratches. The majority of these scratches in fact do not do direct harm to the data itself, but only conceal the data from the laser eye's view. This means that by simply polishing the scratches or cracks, the laser eye can read the data once again.

There are three main ways of repairing the scratches and cracks:

1. The Temporary Fix - Filling the Cracks

If you are in a hurry and you want to quickly fix your disc, you can simply use Vaseline, furniture polish or something similar, and fill with it the scratches and cracks. It will work only for some time and you will probably need to do it again in the future.

The Permanent Fix - Polishing the Scratches

This DVD disc restoration method is best and it's the lasting repair as long as it's done correctly. You can use Drummel or baking soda toothpaste with a cloth and gently polish the scratches. Make sure that these polishes are done as even as possible, so the real data layer won't be affected. Just like clean, never wipe, or polish in circles. If done properly, the plastic buffer that coats the stored data ought to wear away making the scratch easier to see through. You are not getting rid of the entire plastic buffer layer, but you are just evenly wearing off the area that surrounds the scratch.

The Quick Fix - Using a Scratch Repairer

The easiest, fastest and best way to repair your discs is to use products like the AutoMax Scratch Repair System that uses a motor in giving a full physical repair of the disc. There are a few products on the market that can do the job very well. They are inexpensive and very useful if many discs are in need of repairs since it comes with the special fluid, cloth, machine, and resurfacing wheel needed to fix scratches.

As you can see there is no need to ever throw away your scratched discs, as they can be easily repaired.

DVD and CD Disc Repair


Friday, November 4, 2011

Help! My Newly Made DVD Won't Play in My DVD Player!

As more and more users are making their own DVD's, they are discovering something new. Their home made DVD's, called "one-offs", will not play on their DVD player, even though store bought pre-recorded disks play properly. It is not unusual that a home made DVD may play on some DVD players and not others. Typically, newer DVD players can read these disks more reliably, but not always. The brand isn't such a determining factor either, as two models from the same manufacturer can have different playback capabilities. Sometimes a 40 dollar player works fine, and a 200 dollar player will not read the DVD at all. It can be hit or miss trying to match the player to the most compatible brand of blank disk.

The entire DVD recording and playing process is based on light, just like a camera lens. Get your camera lens a little dirty or covered with dust, and it does not stop working. It still takes pictures, but they may have a slight haze if the lens isn't clean. In a DVD recorder, the cleaner the lens, the better the burn and the more tolerant the playback.


Use a soft cotton swab and a touch of household rubbing alcohol. You want it moist, not soaking wet. Be careful not to press too hard when cleaning. The lenses are cheap plastic and can scratch, creating more of a problem than the dust on the lens. Those scratches can not be cleaned.

Cleaning the laser lens might help somewhat, but it does not change the sensitivity of the laser sensor or the electronics. Newer players are built to be more tolerant of the process because manufacturers know people are burning DVD's on a regular basis. No DVD player manufacturer wants their machine to get a reputation for not playing home made DVD's, so they do all they can to make them work with greater playback tolerance.

If the disk itself becomes scratched, this can reduce the playback efficiency. If the scratch is deep, it can render a portion of a disk unplayable. The disk will usually play part way, then stop and lock up when the laser gets to the part with the scratch. That's an indication of a disk problem more than a player problem. In rare cases, I've seen blank disks with an air bubble or separation between the layers. Don't even bother recording on a disk like this if you see such a problem.

Not all blank DVD disks are created equal. They can vary in quality and color from batch to batch from the same manufacturer. The biggest difference is the color of the recording side of the DVD. It's purple. The color purple was chosen since it's the most efficient compromise between absorption of red laser light for the burning process and laser reflectivity for the playback process. Purple disks reflect between 60 and 75 percent of the laser light, depending on the darkness of the purple. Conventional store bought movies on DVD's are silver, and reflect about 95 percent of the light from the laser in your player. Silver disks are pressed in a factory from a glass master, not burned like in your recorder. You can't burn a silver disk because the silver reflects too much light to absorb the burning energy of the laser. Your recorder has a laser that actually melts tiny pits in the plastic layer of the disk underneath the outer clear layer. The darker the purple, the better the burn. The lighter the purple, the better the playback. Every DVD manufacturer strives to find the best balance between the two. Usually, the lighter color is more compatible in more players.

If lens cleaning and changing disk manufacturers does not help, try to find a player that can read your disk, then copy it onto a new blank from a manufacturer that you know plays well in your machine. Unlike copying tapes, there is no generation loss of quality copying a DVD unless you re-compress the video files, but that's another story. Your best bet is to find a friend or a video duplication company that can make a bit by bit copy on a stand-alone duplicator, not a computer. If that disk still won't play, you need a new DVD player. Bring your DVD to a store and try it on several players until you find one that works reliably, then buy that player.

Rick Bennette

Help! My Newly Made DVD Won't Play in My DVD Player!


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wars Of The DVD Movies

A DVD, also known as Digital Video Discs or Digital Versatile Discs (the dispute has never been solved and there is no mandate by the DVD Official Forum on what DVD should stand for!) is an optical storage device that can be used for high quality data storage like movies that need to have excellent video and sound quality. One of the advantages of watching a DVD movie over a CD movie is that one does not need to change the CD over and over again after an hour since almost all the movies will fit into the high-density format of a DVD. DVD movies also provide excellent video and sound quality and enhance the pleasure of watching a movie at home.

Though many movies have been released on DVD's since then, the first DVD movie to be released was Twister in 1996. Also as the years have passed, the prices of the DVD movie players have dropped from staggering 300USD to almost 25USD spreading the delight of watching a DVD movie across pop strata's. The popularity of the DVD movie format has increased so rapidly that many US retailers and even Wal-Mart have phased out the VHS formats for movies and opted for the more convenient DVD movie formats.


Given the content scrambling system (CSS) that was used in all the DVD movies that were manufactured, initially the DVD movies were expected to be a boon for the movie industry enabling them to prevent piracy and illegal copying. Due to the fact that some of these DVD movies refused to play on PC's with Linux operating systems, people were forced to explore the possible ways of decrypting or decoding the encryption on a DVD movie. Appropriate descrambling algorithms were written which have over time been compressed to six lines.

The ready availability of the deCSS programs irked the movie industry to no end since the initial benefits of releasing a DVD movie were being eroded. Given that the blank DVD prices are likely to fall to abysmal levels, copying a DVD movie will become cakewalk for anyone who has access to the deCSS code. And given that this code is nothing more than six lines of programming, it is being advertised by avenging customers in emails, t-shirts, pamphlets and various other forms of mass media.

The movie industry decided that they would allow consumer to watch DVD movies on the computer and not only on television sets in an effort to popularize the use. Little did they realize that they were beckoning a catastrophe on their own business profits! Today anyone who wants to watch a DVD movie on a computer can do so by simply descrambling it. And the movie industry needs to realize that in the technological world that we live in hiding information is not going to be easy.

Wars Of The DVD Movies
