Monday, November 21, 2011

PowerDVD 9 Offers the Best Way to Watch DVD in HD

Many Videophiles want the best DVD playback experience as possible on their PC's. This is done by upconverting a standard DVD format into a HD format such as 1080p. High definition DVD is the next logical step of the current DVD format 720p. Because of new codecs and software it is possible to upconvert standard DVD 720 into 1080p.

In other words, high definition DVD's aim is to provide 1080 lines of video resolution, compared to the 576/480 lines presently offered by the actual DVDs.


Now why would you want to watch a DVD in HD form? For the same purposes why you prefer DVDs over the old video tapes. For starters the picture is sharper, crisper, for a more realistic experience. For me anything that can enhance picture and audio quality is a major plus. PowerDVD 9 is by far the best way for this experience on a PC.

Keep in mind that HD discs (Blu-Ray) will be the format of choice a few years from now. But what will be the destiny of the present DVDs? It does not mean that you need to replace your entire DVD collection. Certain standalone DVD players and PowerDVD 9 for the PC offer the best upconverting picture quality possible for standard DVD's. This feature will later be used for all high definition DVD players. Although this upscaling operation will not provide the same 'unforgettable experience' as high definition movies, it will allow the existing DVDs to be shown in their best possible way, without losing any resolution.

In conclusion, high definition DVDs represent the future of home video display. Be sure to use PowerDVD 9.

PowerDVD 9 Offers the Best Way to Watch DVD in HD

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