Dual Screen Portable DVD Players
The portable DVD players are a scaled down version of the ones that we use at home - they are perfect for using in the car or if they are battery powered, could keep your kids entertained even if you go on a picnic or camping. In the past, they suffered from a number of drawbacks such as poor audio quality, support for limited file formats, and used to be quite expensive as well. However, the advancements in the electronics industry have brought the prices down, the picture quality is often outstanding, and the sound quality if not perfect, is at least adequate.
Since more often than not, they are used as in-car DVD players, the dual-screen models are perfect. They are mounted on the front seats' headrests, and they allow at least two backseat passengers to enjoy the movies, which is especially useful if you do not want your kids bickering while on the road. In most cases, the dual-screen DVD players have only one play unit, which means that the same movie is shown on both screens. Depending on the make and the model, various power options are available, but if you intend to use the player outside the home or vehicle, then a battery-powered one is a must.
The twin-screen portable players are more expensive than the single screen ones, but they could be seen by larger audience, and their advantages far outweigh the price difference. They are also manufactured and sold by some of the top companies in the World and are often very well built, sturdy, and come with amazing number of different functions. Almost all of them make use of a skip protection, which ensures better viewing experience, and some of the top models have power resume feature as well. The players, which have been built in the past few years, also support a dozen of the most widely used audio and video file formats and play not only DVD and audio CDs, but could also display JPG images. Despite the fact that they have been created for entertainment, they could be easily used by agents and sales representatives for presentations as well. The portable DVD players are very easy to set up, have good picture quality, and some of them support widescreen formats as well. Before deciding on which brand and model to buy, you should also find out what kind of accessories the player comes with. AV and mains cables would allow you to use the unit at home, and watch the movies on your large TV screen if you choose to, and the availability of a remote control would let you operate the player from the front seat of the car.
Dual Screen Portable DVD Players
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